(13) Ides of March

 A tenth murder occurred. An arrest was made, but the police haven't released the identity of the person arrested, nor the victim, but it was confirmed to be part of the roman murders.

In all honesty? I'm... surprised. Both that it took this long and that they made an arrest to begin with. I'm also worried. My friend, Sarah, went missing recently. It's really concerning because she was sick, really sick. Some sort of blood cancer, I believe. And she just... vanished. No one saw her go anywhere, and she's just gone. I'm afraid she may be the victim, but... there's still that part of me that thinks of the alternative that's somehow worse.

I'm writing all this as the news is airing. They're showing interviews from family members of the victims. Adam Bright, Adrianne's father, is planning to hold another candlelight vigil at the church. I will be attending. 

All of these events this week don't seem to add up with what I've noticed previously. What about Andrew? What about my stalker? I haven't seen the figure following me in a while. I haven't heard any updates on the Andrew case either. Why were Cassidy and Allison skulking around the church on Christmas? I know, I know it's all connected, but it's not working in my brain.

I can't piece it together and it's frustrating. I know it's all connected.

I just can't figure out how.

I've been hearing rumors recently, about the local therapist, Raine Evans. People are saying they've seen him wandering in the woods. I don't know what to make of it. I've also heard rumors about some wild monster running around the woods, but again, that just doesn't make sense. None of it makes sense. 

But, something else doesn't make sense to me. I have a memory of someone, someone no one else remembers.

I vividly remember meeting this person. I have a lot of memories about him. But no one I ask seems to know who Oleander Andrews is. No one seems to remember him. Not even Yves, nor Sarah. I asked Yves because I know Alex was close to Oleander, and the same reason for asking Sarah, I know, for a FACT she was close to him.

I'm starting to think something else is going on in this town. Because if it wasn't evident before, something is very, very wrong.


  1. What do you think Raine is doing in the woods? What do you remember about Oleander?


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