(15) Nylon's Nightmares

 For the uninitiated.

I have been in contact with entities called "The Convalescent". They are the spectators of the game run by Raine Evans, L'tradactyl'n, and the Sorath.
I am a player of this game, often referred to as a "piece" by these monsters. My particular alignment is with the Sun, Sorath.

My name is Zoey Coleman. I am not player 000. That is all you need to know about me.

I have a plan to end this. For all of us. And the Convalescent have agreed to this plan.

One of the rules of this game is that one person cannot kill more than five people within a span of two months.

When I get to my limit, and the Convalescent will know when, I want them to influence Sarah (008) to kill up until the limit, and then herself. Lily, Lorelai, and Olive are off limits from being killed. As much as Lorelai seems to be trying to fuck this up for me.

The way the Convalescent will know I have reached my limit is when things begin to break.

This town is fake. Everything here is fake. However, things have managed to get inside, one of these things being Andrew Orion. He does not belong here. If I cause him physical harm, I'm certain the illusion will start to fall apart. I've seen it happen before. It can happen again.

I've seen this all before. I don't remember every time, but I remember last time. I remember I won, and if a non-000 player wins, they move on to the next round with their memories. That's all you need to know. 

I know who 000 is. But I'm afraid leaking that information will get me killed.

I know she's reading this.

I know one of them is.

I'm glad I can trust in the Convalescent to help me out. 

This round will be the last. I will break this town. I will break Raine. I can set us all free. If any of my friends are reading this, don't try to stop me. You need to have some faith in me for once. I'm smarter than all of you and you need to realize that. I've been around the bend and back again numerous times, we all have, but unlike all of you I actually remember everything.

So trust me.
