(12) There's No Love In February

Odd name, I know, but it's the name of a song I like.

Allison and Cassidy have cut contact with me. There hasn't been any new murders, at least not ones marked with roman numerals yet. There've been a couple of mannequin murders here and there, but still no leads.

Sarah's out of the hospital. We've been talking about going back into the woods to investigate, but I've expressed a desire to look into the local church. The murders do seem sacrificial, don't they? At least the roman murders. And, the church staff seemed so calm despite people in their families being murdered and marked with numerals (Faith, Adrianne). Something's up there, I think.

If I seem off when writing this, there's a reason. Olive's cut contact with me, like I said.. and it hurts. We've been friends forever, but then Lorelai comes along and now Olive wants nothing to do with me. It sucks. That, and I've been having these really weird dreams lately... where I'm walking through a snowy city, and my body feels so heavy, like a statue. However, these dreams usually end with a vision of another figure. They have a thin, emaciated feminine figure, and they're naked, but covered in a dark sludge that almost appears as though it is their skin at some parts. They wear a porcelain doll mask, but one of their eyes is visible, and red.

The closer I get to them, the more awake I become.

I wonder if this is a memory.
