(10) Cor

 Hey. It's been a long week.

Wednesday was Halloween! Cassidy, Olive, and I went out. I went as Betty from Adventure Time.

...And then stuff started happening again. More corpses were found, the identities not being revealed to the public yet. Five of them, all marked with roman numerals, bringing the count up to 9 roman murders.

Sarah was hospitalized recently as well, yesterday. She'd been really skittish and nervous after the events of the last blogpost, and yesterday she went into cardiac arrest. Luckily she's safe now,,, the hospital's just going to keep her a little longer, as there's something wrong with her blood, I think she said.

Olive's also been acting a little off recently. Don't know why. It feels like everyone around me is just... a little off.

I don't know why.

As for the whole "something in the woods" discussion, I've been hearing rumors about just... really odd stuff. Strangely more odd than the stuff I've witnessed. I might reach out to an old friend to help me with some investigation, her name's Allison. She knows a lot, does a lot of research in her free time.

And I'm definitely going to bring a camera next time.
