(7) Ophelia

 Last night was the vigil dedicated to the victims. I went. Many others from school did as well, likely performatively. Either way, it went generally as expected. Olive didn't attend, but Lorelai did. I avoided her as much as possible, but we did end up having a sort of conversation. I'm an idiot to not have recorded it, honestly, but she didn't say much of anything important.

I still can't place what's wrong with her.

...On top of that, I saw a strange figure lurking around. They were wearing a black hoodie and ripped black jeans, I believe with fishnets underneath. The hoodie and jeans had chains on them as well. I got a glimpse of the person's hair as well. Pink hair. Not like Cassidy's, though, more of a hot pink. And fluffy rather than curly. Short.
A description that almost exactly matches Alexander Valentine, the third victim. Whose corpse was found, considered dead, and is in the custody of the authorities. Alex is dead. But, even the build of their body was similar.

I didn't talk to them. They didn't get close enough for me to see their face. I'm going to look more into this eventually, but it's not what I'm focused on right now.
