(5) Suspects

 I'd like to start this post by listing the known victims of the Roman Murders and a small blurb about each one.

I - Melanie Atlantic, a relatively "popular" girl among the youth in our local area. A bully, as far as myself and others are aware. Especially liked to pick on Cassidy.

II - Jennifer Kokovin, a young single mother. The only known person related to one Lynn Atten who went missing in 2017. Aside from her 7-year old son, of course.

III - Alex Valentine, friends with Lily September and Cassidy.

IV - Angelica Flores, friends with Melanie. Engaged in bullying with her. Especially when it came to Cassidy.

When Cassidy told me about her predictions list, she had noted she believed it had something to do with Lynn's disappearance all those years ago. And she also noted that if someone were to go after Melanie, who had been killed mere days before Cassidy told me this, they would likely go after Angelica as well.

I have reason to suspect Cassidy in the Roman Murders.

This does not exempt Lorelai from also being a suspect. I've suspected him since the very beginning. Since he coincidentally showed up at the location numerous corpses had been found at while Olive and I were investigating.

In my blog entry "Addendum", I noted the presence of another individual. Someone in a blue button-up with shaggy brown hair. The same description of the suspect in Lynn Atten's disappearance in 2017. Andrew Orion, who went by the screen name "Andrew Anemoia" on the forum he founded, Anemoia Solutions.

This runs deeper than I expected.

I'm going to be calling some people soon. Meeting up with people for interviews.
Stay tuned.
